Amély Poulin-Gaumond

I am Amély Poulin-Gaumond, hailing from the vibrant city of Montreal. Allow me to take you on a journey into my world as a passionate designer.

Past and Present: am.ka design

am.ka design is a blend of my identity and history, a synthesis of my name and the echo of my childhood nickname, where creativity knew no bounds. With each project, I am crafting designs that not only captivate the eyes but also resonate deeply with the heart. Welcome to am.ka design.

A Generalist Designer: Tailoring Dreams with Graphic Design

In the vast realm of graphic design, I proudly wear the hat of a generalist designer. What does that mean, you ask? Well, it means being a versatile creative soul who thrives on bringing diverse visions to life. From sleek logos that whisper sophistication to vibrant banners that shout excitement, I’m here to translate your ideas into attractive visuals. My forte lies in understanding your desires and merging them with my expertise to craft designs that not only match your expectations but also exceed them.

Guided by « Work Smarter, Not Harder »

There’s a motto that resonates deeply with me: « Work smarter, not harder. » Efficiency is the heartbeat of my creative process. With every project, I strive to find innovative ways to deliver exceptional results without drowning in unnecessary complexities. This philosophy not only drives my design approach but also ensures that every creation is a harmonious blend of elegance and functionality.

Unveiling my Design Style: Simple Shapes with Striking Contrasts

If you were to sum up my design style in a few words, it would be « bring stunning contrasts in all simplicity. » I believe that beauty lies in the juxtaposition of elements that might seem contradictory at first glance. Whether it’s merging minimalism with bold hues or seamlessly blending vintage aesthetics with modern concepts, my designs always strive to create a visual narrative that ignites intrigue and leaves a lasting impression.

Stay tuned.

Amély Poulin-Gaumond